Dermatology Clinic in North Hills - Raleigh, NC

The skin is a critical part of the human body, acting as your insulating shield against external, environmental elements such as extreme temperature, pathogens, damaging sunlight and harmful chemicals. It also communicates via nerve signals from the brain, cautioning against the hazards of the outside world. The skin is not, however, impenetrable. As the largest, most visible organ of the body, your skin is prone to problems if not properly cared for. In fact, 15% (one in six) of all visits to the family physician involve a skin-related problem. For some, dealing with a skin condition may be a necessary part of life. Common skin diseases include:
- Rosacea
- Dermatitis, including contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema )
- Psoriasis
- Acne
- Nail diseases (such as discoloring or thickening which could indicate an underlying health condition such as liver or kidney diseases, heart and lung conditions, anemia or diabetes)
- Hyperpigmentation
- Actinic keratosis
Additionally, your skin may develop a number of issues ranging in severity—from cold sores, warts and fungal infections to skin cancer. A dermatologist is trained to treat your unique skin-related issues and conditions, whether they are chronic or sporadic. To schedule a consultation with a dermatology clinic in North Hills - Raleigh, call (919) 301-0841 or contact Dr. Bhavna Vaidya-Tank online.
What is Dermatology?
Dermatology is the branch of medicine that addresses issues relating to the skin, hair and nails. A dermatologist is a medical doctor whose specialization is evaluating and treating patients who suffer from these diseases. A dermatologist may be consulted for both severe skin conditions threatening to one's health, and cosmetic disorders of the skin (including hair loss, scars and skin changes associated with aging). Dermatologists may additionally be trained in:
- Diagnosing and treating skin cancers, melanomas, moles and tumors of the skin
- Managing contact dermatitis and other inflammatory skin disorders
- Recognizing the skin manifestations of systematic and infectious diseases
- Interpreting skin biopsies
- Understanding surgical techniques used in dermatology
Dermatologist Types
Consulting a dermatologist plays an important part in the prevention of skin-related diseases. A dermatologist can, for instance, provide sound advice regarding proper sun protection to prevent skin cancer. In certain instances, a dermatologist specializes in more specific skin problems either based on one's age or health conditions. There are four main types of dermatologists.
Pediatric dermatologists may be consulted for both evaluation and management of skin disease as it relates to children (such as birthmarks, neonatal dermatology, genetic diseases of the skin, pediatric infections or inflammatory processes and skin diseases).
A dermatopathologist may offer a precise diagnosis of disease relating to the skin by examining and interpreting tissue samples, cellular scrapings and smears of skin lesions.
An immunodermatologist focuses on the relationship between the skin and your immune system. Skin conditions such as eczema and contact dermatitis of are particular interest to this dermatologic specialty.
A cosmetic dermatologist is the most well-known type of dermatologist in skincare. In addition to addressing chronic dermatologic conditions, cosmetic dermatology is a branch of dermatology which also focuses on aesthetic issues not directly threatening to one's health. Many of these conditions are associated with the aging process and require the skill of a trained skincare professional in order to overcome. Some of the most frequently requested cosmetic dermatology treatments include:
- Cosmetic filler injections
- Hair transplantations
- Laser therapy (including skin resurfacing , hair removal and tattoo removal )
- Tumescent liposuction
Whether you are experiencing a recent skin-related irregularity or are seeking advice regarding management of a lifelong skin condition, a dermatologist can help assess your situation and provide treatment. Schedule a consultation at a dermatology clinic in North Hills - Raleigh that can correct your troubling skin concerns. Call (919) 301-0841 or contact Dr. Bhavna Vaidya-Tank online.
Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD
8020 Creedmoor RdRaleigh, NC 27613
(919) 301-0841