Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care in Raleigh, NC

The desire to retain a youthful appearance in the mature years of life continues to grow in both men and women. Fortunately, scientific advances in skin and healthcare have made it possible to prolong the external aging process and eliminate many troubling signs of aging including fine lines and wrinkles. One of these advances is the use of hyaluronic acid (HA), a clear, lubricating polysaccharide produced naturally in the human body.
Hyaluronic acid, in its organic form, acts as a lubricating and cushioning agent for your joints, skin, hair and eyes, helping to increase flexibility and elasticity, maximize collagen and draw and maintain moisture levels. Unfortunately, as you age, your body stops producing hyaluronic acid and, as it becomes depleted, your face may be one of the first places it shows.
However, application of hyaluronic acid to aging skin depleted of natural hyaluronic acid can rejuvenate the health of your skin, eliminating years from your appearance. Methods for using hyaluronic acid vary from moisturizers and injections to supplements that seek to create youthful skin from the inside out.
To schedule a consultation with a qualified skin care specialist in Raleigh that can recommend hyaluronic acid skin care treatments and products, call (919) 301-0841 or contact Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD online.
Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care Options
If you have damaged skin or are seeking to reduce signs of aging, hyaluronic acid may be a good choice, especially for rejuvenating facial skin. There are several different types of hyaluronic acid products, each with different preferred application methods.
Hyaluronic acid injections are used as fillers for deep wrinkles (instead of collagen injections). Through injection, hyaluronic acid benefits include:
- The body does not reject HA since it is a substance that is produced naturally in the human body
- HA naturally stimulates collagen production
- The HA molecules are said to be able to attract and retain 1000 times their weight in water
- The human body can easily reabsorb and dispose of the HA in the injected filler, usually within 12 months.
Hyaluronic acid supplements have been used for years as a supplement for joint repair; synthetically-derived hyaluronic acid supplements are thought to replace depleted stores of HA in the human body. Hyaluronic acid is often recommended not only for its ability to reverse skin aging, but also for its benefits in reducing joint pain, dry eyes, arthritis and other aging-related symptoms. It may also serve as an aid to wound healing and even reduce scarring.
Hyaluronic acid topical skin care formulations range from facial and body moisturizing creams and serums, to lip balms and makeup. Unlike collagen, when applied topically, hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin's upper layers. It can form a moisture barrier and help draw moisture and preserve skin hydration, softening the appearance of fine lines. Topically, hyaluronic acid is also frequently used during micro needling treatment where it is absorbed into deeper layers of the skin through micro-injuries.
Who is a Candidate for Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care
Because hyaluronic acid is a substance produced naturally in the human body, most people are good candidates for hyaluronic acid skin care and it is safe for use. However, some individuals may experience hyaluronic acid side effects including dry, red or itchy skin. People with oily skin are less likely to experience side effects. How the hyaluronic acid product is formulated may also be a key factor in reactions to a product, and simply switching to a different formulation may solve the problem.
If you are faced with damaged or aging skin, hyaluronic acid can be a safe and effective way to rejuvenate your skin. Request more information about hyaluronic acid skin care today. Call (919) 301-0841 or contact Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD online.
Family Wellness Clinic & Regenesis MD
8020 Creedmoor RdRaleigh, NC 27613
(919) 301-0841